torsdag 1 september 2011

Yet Another Hobby Project

In lack of better things to write about, I thought I'd share some hobby work I've been doing lately.

The game in question is a straight off clone of the old X-Com games (with a different scenario slapped on instead of the whole alien invasion). The idea is that the basic gameplay in the game will be more or less the same as in the old X-Com games, but with a more streamlined and minimalistic UI etc.

Globe View (Autowin: Orange and Teal)
Tactical View (Still sticking to Orange and Teal, Enemies will stand for the orange once I have time to model them)
The environments are built up by having different pre-created building blocks (all placeholders still). Right now the levels are built by hand, but I got a cool idea of generating them using a some nifty tricks together with the A* algorithm (I might make a post about this at some later stage).

The skeleton of the tactical game has been implemented. As in the old games its all turn based and you can walk around and shoot with all your units (all costing Time Units of course). There's also a daft AI that can roam around and shoot back (not much of a challenge yet).

Anyways... enough blogging for a while and back to coding.

3 kommentarer:

  1. It's looking good- Are you using any kind of engine, or doing everything from scratch?

    I'd be interested in trying it out- post some more updated screens soon!

  2. Everything's from scratch ... and I'm afraid it's so far from ready that it ain't playable yet. But sure, I'll try to post some more screenshots at least :)

  3. Hi :) Is there a way to buy Programming an RTS Game with Direct3D book?
